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The Oasis House is a program of Bell Socialization Services' Mental Health Department. Bell provides services to adults and families in York and Adams Counties who are living with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and/or experiencing homelessness.


The Oasis House is a member of and accredited by Clubhouse International. Accreditation demonstrates adherence to the Clubhouse Model, which is evidence-based practice.

As a member of Clubhouse International, the Clubhouse shares in its prestigious achievements. 


  • The Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize in 2014. This is awarded to a nonprofit who is recognized for alleviating human suffering. More info about it can be found here.




To learn more about what Clubhouse does, click here.


The Oasis House is a member of the Pennsylvania Clubhouse Coalition (PCC), comprised of fellow accredited Clubhouses across the state with a mission of promoting and strengthening Clubhouses by empowering individuals with mental illness to live, learn and work within their community with dignity and freedom from stigma.


Oasis House is licensed as a Psychiatric Rehabilitation program through the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS). The licensing process occurs on an annual basis to ensure compliance to regulations.


Lastly, the Oasis House is funded through Medical Assistance through the Managed Care Organization Community Care Behavioral Health (CCBH) as well as the York/Adams County Mental Health-Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Office. 


Accredited by:
Honored by:
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Follow us on Facebook @OasisHouseYork

Fax 717-848-3766

751 South Queen Street, York, PA 17403

Hours of Operation

8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Oasis House,
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